Friday, September 24, 2010

Thing #38

Well I have found something to do for #38.  I am going to go ahead and make a Facebook page for our Library here at Northeast Community College.  I will let everyone know how I am doing and once I get it all together.  I am gonna wait a little while, but am very excited to see if it will take off. I can see that this will be extremely helpful to our Library because as I am learning Face book is not just for people trying to connect with others but also to get people to connect with us here in the library.  I will be able to post events and get lots of information out there about events, new technologies, and research resources. 


  1. Be sure to post a link to your Facebook page once it's up. We'd all love to take a look.

  2. Thanks Michael, and I will definetly let you know when I get it all put together.

  3. I have a Face Book Page up for Our Library!! Everyone come check it out and let me know what you think. You can see it at!/pages/Northeast-Community-College-Library/157053420995388
