Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thing #46: Stixy

Whoooo Hooooo Stixy!  I love Post-it-Notes, so I definetly love Stixy!  I am just like Kathryn.  At home my desk is plastered in sticky notes and they have even started moving to the small bookshelf next to my desk. 

Stixy is a wonderful tool.  I like it because it is very User friendly.  Everything you need is very easy to access, and right in front of you.   I think that Stixy could be useful here in the library, but we do already have a sort of collaborating tool.  Here in our library we have a thing called a Wiki where we keep in touch of upcoming events, brainstorm new ideas, and have a calendar for everyone to list when they may have an event, or meeting. Stixy is much more colorful though.  This is an interesting idea to include a link on our facebook page though and have students or instructors include upcoming events, or comments to use it as a bulletin board.

Stixy would be useful for a number of things but one thing that comes to mind is if a large family was planning on having a Family Reunion.  You could email everyone in the family the link to the Stixy Board.  Title it Someone's Family Reunion, and include photos of where you were hosting the reunion, what foods certain people are to bring, certain recipes, games being planned, and weather updates.  Stixy would be great for a public bulletin board or even a private collaboration of a large project.

My mock up board is simple, but I was inspired by anticipating Spring and to show off my YouTube Video I did for the NECC library.  Hope everyone enjoys, and my applause to Kathryn for helping suggest this as Thing #46!

You can access my mock up Stixy board at: 
Password is:  Nebraska Learns 2.0